When most homeowners think of roof maintenance, they simply think of taking care of the structure on top of the house. It is certainly important, but it is equally as important to ensure the home has sufficient roof ventilation. Older homes are more likely to have insufficient ventilation. Various problems arise when a house cannot adequately disperse hot air.

Decrease the Risk of Ice Damming

It is a scientific fact that heat rises. During the winter, you may keep all the windows closed so that the warm air stays inside. However, this air is only going to rise in your home until it reaches the attic. A warm attic causes any snow that has accumulated on the roof to melt. This water pours down the roof until it refreezes at the edge of the roof. This leads to detrimental ice dams

Decrease Risk of Excessive Moisture

In addition to the hot air itself, there is also the danger moisture will accumulate in that air. Moisture rises with air, and if it reaches the attic, it can cause extreme harm. The water can turn the attic in a virtual sauna, which is not good if there is a lot of wood up there. Wood buckles under such pressure, leading it to break down prematurely.

Roof Ventilation Helps

Once that warm air and moisture reaches the attic, it has nowhere to go unless you have adequate ventilation. This keeps the attic at a reasonable temperature and decreases the risk of developing ice dams. It is much easier to install new ventilation rather than have to remove ice dams or replace moldy wood.

If you have any questions about how Landmark Roofing can help you with ventilation, then call us at 443-223-7453 or contact us by email at info@roofingbylandmark.com. Our professionals will provide you with a quote after talking with you for just a little while.

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